Friday, March 11, 2011

The Aquisition

 I have purchased a 1972 Dodge Travco 270, 413 cid.  Documentation and odometer suggest it has 145,000 miles.  This was an abandoned vehicle so I don't know much more about it.
I have not brought it home yet, waiting for winter to clear here in SW Michigan.  Soon!
My intention is to do a total Restoration/Renovation.  This is not my first vehicle restoration, nor the biggest.  However, It definately is the largest!  
Right now it is sitting  comfortably with lots of rodent killer in it.  It is complete inside but I do not intend to reuse any of the interior.  It has the standard rear bath, double bunk floorplan with more storage than my home kitchen.  Sleeps six....  who would want to?  I hope to create a nice travler for two with all the neccesities and comfort of modern coaches yet keeping the simplicity of the Travco.
I have never blogged before and I hope to make this record intersting.  I will try to post regular updates.


  1. It will be fun to "watch" the transformation here! Can we call dibs on your first trip? Here to CO?

  2. Congrats on the new family member ;) You can check out my 1964 travco here:

  3. Congrats to you and Harvee!
    I have a 1972 Travco 220 also with a 413!
    Her stage name is "Three Times a Lady" but she's fine with Lady for short!
    No blog as of yet...but possibly soon.

  4. I'm working on my 73... Lots to do. :-) I'm sure we can share some ideas and stories

  5. Good luck with the Project. I have a 67 myself. Goes by the name, ZOOT.
    Pics Pics Pics.... there are not enough of the Travco Blogs out there,

  6. Have you considered what you are going to use for the curved walls? So many state of the art materials these days, I need to replace all mine ceiling and walls.

    Absolutely love your blog. So inspirational, not to mention some of the most specific renovation shots of travco out there on the internet.
    PS: I have two Moby and Toby, 1969/70

    1. Joanne, I am not positive on the wall material yet. I am going to reuse the rear curved fiberglass, improved upon a bit and an automotive style headliner. I am thinking doing the lower wall below the windows in light maple and the upper in something else, light colored.
      I definitely need to upgrade this blog. Have lots of progress and pics to show. Havin to much fun working on it!!
